Spain > Madrid > Getafe

Estate agents in Getafe, Madrid

On this portal we have made a list whith most of the estate agents that are established in Madrid. This data is being extracted little by little, from many sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), and thus show you a vast real estate directory of this city.

On the other hand we list you a set of portal advertisers who maybe are not establihsed in the same town, but they have their buildings for sale or for rent in Getafe.

This second list is ordered by the number of properies published, since we imagine that the agent with the most properties in our database will be established close to Getafe.

List of estate agents in Getafe

Estate Agent Address Phone
Gestión Inmobiliaria Castizo S.l C. Toledo, 31
28901 Getafe (Madrid)
910 11 12 05
Inmobiliaria Getafe - Juan De La Cierva Redpiso Av. Juan de la Cierva, 35
28901 Getafe (Madrid)
916 82 90 93
Inmobiliaria Getafe Alhóndiga Redpiso C. Faisan, 1
28904 Getafe (Madrid)
919 91 05 09
Inmobiliaria Getafe Norte Los Molinos Redpiso Av. del Ingenioso HiIdalgo, 3
28906 Getafe (Madrid)
910 44 10 48
Inmobiliaria Joyca C. Ricardo de la Vega, 8
28901 Getafe (Madrid)
600 57 14 94
Inmobiliaria Vivienda Madrid - Oficina De Getafe - Juan De La Cierva. Av. España, 47
28903 Getafe (Madrid)
910 00 61 08
Look Getafe Inmobiliaria. C. Madrid, 96
28902 Getafe (Madrid)
916 81 34 98
Luna Inmobiliaria C. Luna, 4
28901 Getafe (Madrid)
916 82 60 00
Soluziona Inmobiliaria Getafe C. de la Magdalena, 30
28901 Getafe (Madrid)
917 37 70 03

Real estate agencies with properties in Getafe

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
alquilofacil - Mostoles 0 3 3
Inmobiliaria Akris 3 0 3
Inmobiliaria Akris Toledo 1 0 1
Valmodomus Sl 1 0 1