Spain > Castellon > Castellon de la Plana

Estate agents in Castellon de la Plana, Castellon

On this portal we have made a list whith most of the estate agents that are placed in Castellon. This information is being collected little by little, from different sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), in forder to show you a complete real estate directory of this city.

On the other hand we propose you a set of web advertisers who probably are not establihsed in the same city, but they have their properties for sale or for rent in Castellon de la Plana.

This second list is ordered by the number of buildings published, since we understand that the real estate agency with the most properties published will be located next to Castellon de la Plana.

List of estate agents in Castellon de la Plana

Estate Agent Address Phone
Aincas Castellón Sl Av. del Dr. Clarà, 18
12002 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 21 58 55
Caspronave Inmobiliaria Carrer del Dr. Roux, 8, bajo
12004 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 72 34 66
Fincas La Plana Carrer Major, 79
12001 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 23 78 51
Herrero Inmobiliaria Plaça del País Valencià, 18
12002 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
615 85 26 72
Housites Servicios Inmobiliarios Carrer de Lagasca, 19
12003 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
677 69 44 91
Inmobiliaria Castellón Redpiso Carrer d'Asensi, 24, Bajo
12002 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 74 98 02
Inmobiliaria Era Pl. de la Independencia, 1
12001 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 21 38 33
Inmobiliaria Fincas Barona Carrer de Ruiz Zorrilla, 2
12001 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
673 03 54 22
Ívary Tucasa Gestión Inmobiliaria Av. de Casalduch, 50
12005 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
964 25 32 87
Vivienda Castellón Inmobiliaria Carrer de Moyano, 5, planta 1ª
12001 Castellon de la Plana (Castellon)
617 14 99 69

Real estate agencies with properties in Castellon de la Plana

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
alquilofacil - Castellon 2 1 3