Spain > Cadiz > Algeciras

Estate agents in Algeciras, Cadiz

In our website we have compiled a listing whith some of the real estate agencies that are located in Cadiz. This data is being extracted little by little, consulting different sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), and thus obtain an extensive real estate directory of this city.

Also we propose you a group of portal advertisers who maybe are not in the same town, but they have their properties for sale or for rent in Algeciras.

This list is ordered by the number of buildings published, since we imagine that the agent with the most properties published will be established nearby Algeciras.

List of estate agents in Algeciras

Estate Agent Address Phone
Fase Inmobiliaria Edificio Plaza Alta, 7, 2 Planta, Oficina 5
11201 Algeciras (Cadiz)
856 22 25 25
Ikesa Inmobiliaria - Algeciras Av. Virgen del Carmen, 59, Planta Primera, Oficina 4
11201 Algeciras (Cadiz)
956 11 13 07
Inmobiliaria Doble M C. Gregorio Marañón, 6
11202 Algeciras (Cadiz)
657 81 21 98
Inmobiliaria El Estrecho Edificio Blas Infante, C. Fuerte Santiago, oficina 1A
11201 Algeciras (Cadiz)
644 84 40 02
Plenocasa Algeciras Av. de la Guardia Civil, nº6
11204 Algeciras (Cadiz)
689 03 83 25
Surhome Servicios Inmobiliarios Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 11, local
11202 Algeciras (Cadiz)
956 11 48 75
Vancasas Exclusive Real Estate Av. Joan Manuel Serrat, 1, local 17
11207 Algeciras (Cadiz)
609 62 98 54

Real estate agencies with properties in Algeciras

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
Airama 2 1 3
Surhome Servicios Inmobiliarios 1 1 2
Alvarez Inmobiliaria 1 0 1
Verus Real Estate 1 0 1
Exp España 1 0 1
Dcano Real Estate 1 0 1
Inmobiliaria Doble M 1 0 1
Captare 1 0 1