Spain > Barcelona > Sabadell

Estate agents in Sabadell, Barcelona

In our website we have made a list whith most of the real estate agencies that are placed in Barcelona. This data is being collected little by little, from different sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), and thus show you a complete real estate directory of this town.

Additionally we show you a set of portal advertisers who maybe are not located in the same town, but they have their portfolio of properties for sale or for rent in Sabadell.

This list is ordered by the number of buildings published, since we understand that the real estate agent with the most properties in our database will be located close to Sabadell.

List of estate agents in Sabadell

Estate Agent Address Phone
Canvi De Casa Passeig d'Espronceda, 42
08204 Sabadell (Barcelona)
931 79 62 19
Comprarcasa Rc Finques Sabadell Ronda de Ponent, 126
08201 Sabadell (Barcelona)
937 27 40 47
Expofinques Exes Sabadell Centre - Igloo Sabadell Via de Massagué, 61
08201 Sabadell (Barcelona)
937 15 59 80
Fr-immobiliària C/ Major, 13
08208 Sabadell (Barcelona)
688 42 13 64
Jardípark Rambla, 151
08202 Sabadell (Barcelona)
930 15 61 23
Peritax Inmobiliaria Carrer de Sant Quirze, 17
08201 Sabadell (Barcelona)
937 12 77 49
Proim Primum Vivere Carrer de Narcís Giralt, 35, 39
08201 Sabadell (Barcelona)
938 25 42 42
Smart Finques Carrer d'Àngel Guimerà, 25, 2-1
08201 Sabadell (Barcelona)
654 37 54 45
Solespai Inmobiliaria Carrer de Sarajevo, 145
08206 Sabadell (Barcelona)
634 34 88 99

Real estate agencies with properties in Sabadell

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
Peritax 16 0 16
Durán Carasso 11 0 11
Smart Finques 9 0 9
Finques ClavÉ 7 7 0 7
House-chain 7 0 7
Novafinca 5 0 5
Espai Propi 4 0 4
SBD Immobles 2 0 2
Suberna Gestio Immobiliaria 2 0 2
Krap Invergrup 2 0 2
Psi Finques 2 0 2
Vallesimmobiliaria 2 0 2
AGINCAT gestio immobiliaria SL 1 0 1
Fs Finques Sabadell 1 0 1
Expofinques Sabadell Sud 1 0 1
Exp España 1 0 1
Axe 1 0 1
Pisos Castellar 1 0 1