Spain > Barcelona > Rubi

Estate agents in Rubi, Barcelona

At In Spain Property we have made a listing whith most of the real estate agencies that are located in Barcelona. This data is being extracted little by little, from different sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), in forder to form a complete real estate directory of this location.

On the other hand we list you a group of web advertisers who maybe are not located in the same location, but they publish their portfolio of properties for sale or for rent in Rubi.

This second list is ordered by the number of properies published, since we understand that the agent with the most properties in our database will be established close to Rubi.

List of estate agents in Rubi

Estate Agent Address Phone
Finques Mrcasas Carrer de Bartrina, 26, local 3
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
607 33 55 30
Finques Vallhonrat Passeig de Francesc Macià, 80
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
935 88 54 99
Grocasa Inmobiliaria Rubí Carrer de Monturiol, 5
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
936 55 17 27
Havitec Carrer de Sant Ignasi, 16
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
930 18 16 20
Immogestio Rubi Av. de Barcelona, 3-5, 1º1ª
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
658 44 13 35
Inmo Europeas Passeig de Francesc Macià, 65
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
935 88 31 58
Moran & Sender Plaça de Josep Sapés i Esmendia, 2
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
931 20 54 72
Proursa (promocions Urbanes De Rubí Sa) Carrer del General Prim, 33-35, 4a planta
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
935 88 66 93
Tot Finques Carrer de Sant Cugat, 40
08191 Rubi (Barcelona)
935 88 17 33

Real estate agencies with properties in Rubi

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
Comprarcasa Grupo Hg Terrassa 3 0 3
Axe 1 1 2
Home Select Sitges 1 0 1