Spain > Asturias > Oviedo

Estate agents in Oviedo, Asturias

In our portal we have made a list whith most of the real estate agencies that are located in Asturias. This information is being obtained little by little, from many sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), in forder to make a complete real estate directory of this town.

On the other hand we list you a set of web advertisers who maybe are not located in the same town, but they publish their properties for sale or for rent in Oviedo.

This list is ordered by the number of properies published, since we understand that the agent with the most properties in our database will be established next to Oviedo.

List of estate agents in Oviedo

Estate Agent Address Phone
Agencia Alvarez C. Caveda, 2
33002 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 08 90 89
Arxus Agencia Inmobiliaria En Oviedo C. Fierro, 5
33009 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 20 85 82
Casal Inmobiliaria Oviedo Masip Av. Valentín Masip, 14
33013 Oviedo (Asturias)
984 19 00 77
Casal Inmobiliaria Oviedo Río San Pedro C. Río San Pedro, 3
33001 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 20 21 00
Gestorre Inmobiliaria P.º de la Florida, 33, Bajo
33012 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 25 07 52
Inmobiliaria Foncalada C. Francisco Pintado Fe, 1
33011 Oviedo (Asturias)
984 18 78 62
Inmobiliaria Friera C. Posada Herrera, 3, 1ºA
33002 Oviedo (Asturias)
984 18 08 18
Inmobiliaria Los Prados C. Bermúdez de Castro, 64
33011 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 28 70 59
Revive Servicios Inmobiliarios C. González Besada, 17
33007 Oviedo (Asturias)
984 19 09 81
Rk Iglesias Inmobiliaria, Oviedo C. Nueve de Mayo, 18
33001 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 93 20 20
Vivat Spain C/Caveda, 4 1ºA
33002 Oviedo (Asturias)
985 09 09 39

Real estate agencies with properties in Oviedo

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
Smart Estate S.L. 36 1 37
Compralquilando Oviedo 12 3 15
Maisons de Rêve 8 0 8
Legis Properties 6 1 7
Inmobiliaria Friera 4 0 4
Exp España 3 0 3
Utrilla Inmobiliaria 2 0 2
Exclusive Inmobiliaria Cb 1 0 1