Spain > A Coruña > Paderne

Estate agents in Paderne, A Coruña

On this website we have made a list whith several of the estate agents that are established in A Coruña. This data is being obtained little by little, from different sources (directorios, other property portals, local business guides, yellow pages, etc), in forder to complete a vast real estate directory of this town.

Additionally we propose you a group of portal advertisers who maybe are not establihsed in the same city, but they have their buildings for sale or for rent in Paderne.

This list is ordered by the number of properies published, since we imagine that the real estate agent with the most properties managed will be located in the vicinity of Paderne.

List of estate agents in Paderne

Estate Agent Address Phone

Real estate agencies with properties in Paderne

Estate Agent For sale For rent Total
O Castelo Inmobiliaria 4 0 4